Cash to accruals

"Accounting does not make corporate earnings or balance sheets more volatile. Accounting just increases the transparency of volatility in earnings." Diane Garnick

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  • Online, On-site, One to One
  • Academy Finance
  • Duration 1 week
  • Location London, Riyadh
  • Course Ref FIN-3

This module is available in English and Arabic language

Module 1 

  • Accounting concepts
  • Conventions, bases and fundamental principles
  • Financial Reporting for regulatory compliance

Module 2

  • Why cash to accruals?
  • Accounting frameworks & statements
  • Income, cost, assets and liabilities in focus
  • Design & implementation considerations

Module 3

  • First-time adoption
  • Recognition, measurement and fair presentation
  • Disclosure exemptions
  • Disclosures

Cash studies

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