Best practices in supply chain management

"Anytime there's a disruption in the supply chain, any time people cut back on spending, there will be a recession." Trish Regan

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  • Online, On-site, One to One
  • Academy Supply chain
  • Duration 1 week
  • Location London, Riyadh
  • Course Ref SC-1

This course will explore key concepts and solutions that can be employed to optimise the balance between supply chain responsiveness and the costs required to deliver desired business results. Supply chain professionals continue to be pressured to deliver superior operational results while reducing costs. They need to be able to ensure their organisations become industry pace setters by better managing their supply chains to achieve reduced costs while improving service levels.

Nonetheless, reducing supply chain costs is an effort that can be fraught with risk, and global trade has brought about proportionally high levels of risk and uncertainty. Risk is found in all supply chains, but with analysis, preparation and action, these risks can be avoided, managed or deflected.

This course will feature:

  • Apply a thorough understanding of supply chain activities
  • Managing and optimising your inventory to deliver financial results
  • Identity, analyse and evaluate supply chain risk
  • Use risk management tools and techniques
  • Make supply chain organisational improvements


  • Analyse the effectiveness of your firm’s supply chain practices
  • Create an inventory strategy that speeds cash flow
  • Evaluate and work with suppliers to deliver tangible business results
  • Use analytical tools to identify supply chain risk
  • Make cost and service improvements.


Day One

Understanding the Supply Chain

  • Supply Chain Definitions
  • Supply Chain Models and Types
  • Types of process frameworks
  • Defining performance gaps
  • Customers, competitive advantage and demand
  • The Global Supply Chain

Day Two

Unlocking your Cash: Inventory Management and Optimisation

  • Types of inventory
  • Applying procurement strategies that maximise inventory turns
  • Speeding the cash-to-cash cycle time
  • The financial justification for change
  • Supplier relationship management: strategies, approaches, and tools.

Day Three

A New Paradigm for Outsourcing

  • Is your relationship transactional or outcome-based?
  • Defining desired outcomes that are measurable
  • Developing an effective outsourcing contract
  • Designing a pricing model that incentivises desired behaviours
  • Evaluating cost/service trade-offs.

Day Four

Identifying Supply Chain Instabilities and Risks

  • Internal supply chain risks
  • PESTLE and external risks
  • Risk management principles
  • Evaluation and prioritisation of risks
  • Contingency and risk management planning.

Day Five

Rethinking the Supply Chain and Improving Your Results

  • Rationale and approach to performance management
  • Identifying, defining, and tracking your metrics
  • Incentives and continuous improvement
  • Reengineering supply chains end to end to minimise risk
  • Organisation development

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