Global supply chain management

“The goal is to hit the sweet spot of maximum value optimization, where foolish risk is balanced against excessive caution.” Steven J. Bowen

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  • Online, On-site, One to One
  • Academy Supply chain
  • Duration 3 weeks
  • Location London, Riyadh
  • Course Ref SC-2

On completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Gain an insightful overview of the conceptual foundations of the global supply chain, as well as current examples of the best practices for managing supply chains in a global context.
  • Discuss the recent changes in concepts, technology, and practice and the rapid change that has taken place within the supply chain and its environment.
  • Understand the complexity of global supply chains and explain how they can be managed in a constantly changing world.
  • Gain essential insights into the challenges of managing the complex networks that typify modern supply chains.
  • Determine and apply the underlying mechanisms of the corporate logistics network and how collaboration and open information exchange can improve the effectiveness of supply chains.

Introduction to the supply chain

  • Introduction to Supply Chain Management
    • The supply chain
    • Supply chain management (SCM)
    • The customer orientation
    • Multiple management perspectives
    • The characteristics of the supply chain
  • Understanding the supply chain
    • The framework
    • Systemic approach
  • Supply chain processes
    • The management tasks
    • The new corporate environment
  • A model of the global supply chain
  • The approach of the course
    • Concepts
    • Processes
    • Management issues

Structure and Process

  • The value chain and the value system
  • The structure of the supply chain
    • The concept of postponement
    • Building structure
  • The Bullwhip Effect
  • What are activities?
  • Core competencies and outsourcing
  • Components in supply chain management
    • Network structure
    • Management components

Inter-organisational Relationships

  • Relationships from a network perspective
    • Industrial networks
  •  Transactions
    • The firm as a nexus of contracts
    • Boundaries and governance
    • Static versus dynamic boundaries
    • Is transaction cost theory “Bad for Practice”?
    • TCA focuses on cost efficiency
    • Asset specificity based on “Sunk Costs.”
    • Too costly to develop or acquire specific assets
  • Perceptions of trust
  • Developing collaborative relationships
  • Illustrative case: Benetton’s Supply Networks

The Information System for the Supply Chain

  • Logistics information
  • Information exchange
  • Information and operations
  • The concept of a supply chain information system
    • The Intra-firm information system
    • The Inter-firm information system
    • Interface optimisation
  • Elements of the information system
  • On-demand Computing
  • Software systems
    • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
    • Software for supply chain management
    • General application areas for supply chain information systems
    • Communications
  • Illustrative case


  • International Markets
    • The structure of international distribution
    • Global Marketing
  • The complexity of distribution
    • The significant elements of distribution and its requirements
    • Deficiencies of traditional distribution and distribution dynamics
    • Push versus Pull
  • The marketing channel
  • Major channel decision
    • Sales decisions
    • Physical distribution decisions
  • Global retail distribution
    • Retailing as a supply chain function
    • Grocery retailing
    • Garments
    • Global retail logistics operations
  • E-commerce and the supply chain
    • The attractiveness of a new channel
    • The case of grocery e-tailing
    • The structure of e-commerce fulfilment
    • Elements shaping e-commerce
  • Collaborative distribution models
    • Efficient Consumer Response (ECR)
    • Vendor-Managed Inventory
    • Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment
  • Illustrative case

Production Issues for the Supply Chain

  • Supply chain requirements – A chain of processes
  • Management concepts in production and SCM
    • Just-in-Time and Lean Manufacturing
    • Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)
    • Total Quality Management
    • Integration of manufacturing technologies
    • Agile supply chain
    • Linking Lean and Agile supply chains
  • Strategic perspectives on production processes and technology
  • Product design for the supply chain
    • Modular products demand production
    • Concurrent engineering
    • Design for manufacturability
    • Design for logistics
  • Emerging production paradigm – Modular production
  • Illustrative Case

Innovation Management in Supply Chains

  • Platform strategies
  • Product architecture strategies
    • Modular product architectures
    • Integral product architectures
    • Interface specification and standardisation
  • NPD’s impact on outsourcing
    • Early supplier involvement in NPD
    • Innovation and supplier relationships
    • Transaction cost perspective on NPD and outsourcing
    • Component design for postponement and NPD
    • NPD for recycling
  • Illustrative Cases


  • Driving forces behind the strategic importance of procurement
    • Increased outsourcing
    • Just-in-Time purchasing
    • Information technology
  • The variety of supplier-buyer relationships
    • Adversarial relationships
    • Referred suppliers
    • Single sourcing
    • Network sourcing
    • Strategic alliances
  • Portfolio approach to supplier relationships
    • The Olsen & Ellram portfolio model
    • The competence development model
    • The Bensaou model
    • Critique of portfolio models
    • Strategic partnerships
    • Managing sourcing relationships
  • Vendor-managed purchasing
  • Illustrative Case

Transport and Logistic Services

  • Structural changes in supply chains
    • Infrastructure investment
    • Deregulation of European transport markets
    • The transport and logistics service industry in Europe
  • Third-party logistics
    • What is third-party logistics?
    • Typology of third-party logistics providers
    • Driving forces behind third-party logistics
    • Developing a third-party logistics partnership
    • Obstacles in logistics outsourcing
    • Mergers and acquisitions
  • The future of European transport and logistics
    • Lead logistics providers
    • Pan-European logistics providers
    • Niche carriers
    • E-commerce logistics providers
    • Tiering structure of the logistics market
  • Illustrative cases

Reverse Logistics and Supply Chain Sustainability

  • Significant types of returned items
  • The challenge of reverse supply chain
  • A centralised reverse supply chain
  • A decentralised reverse supply chain
  • The margin value of time
  • Green supply management
  • Product stewardship
  • The triple bottom line and the supply chain
  • Illustrative case

Performance Measurement and Management in the Supply Chain

  • Measures and measurement systems
  • System thinking in performance measurement
  • Inclusiveness in supply chain performance
  • Effects of supply chain performance measurement
  • Supply chain performance measurement frameworks
  • The strategic profit model
  • Target cost management
  • Total cost of ownership
  • Activity-based costing
  • The balanced scorecard
  • The SCOR model

Strategy and the Supply Chain

  • Strategy and the supply chain
    • Objectives and outcomes
    • Networks and systems
    • Resource-based strategy
    • From vertical integration to horizontal disintegration
    • Fine’s double helix model
  • Matching product uncertainties with supply chains
  • Supply structures for customisation
    • Mass customisation
  • Supply chain integration
    • Information integration
    • Organisation integration
    • Other forms of strategy
  • Strategy of functional area
    • Information technology
    • Procurement
    • Manufacturing
    • Distribution
    • Logistics

Supply Chain Planning – Modeling Considerations

  • Reasons for quantitative modeling
  • Modelling sourcing strategies – statistical approach
  • Modelling the inventory management – EOQ model
    • Aligning supply chain – SC performance model
    • Modelling the demand forecast – exponential smoothing
    • Modelling the resource allocation – linear programming
  • Modelling the demand variability in SC – Bullwhip Effect
  • Modelling product architecture modularisation for mass customisation
  • Limitations related to modelling

Managing the Complexity of the Global Supply Chain

  • The environmental complexity of the supply chain
    • Political issues
    • Social issues
    • Cultures
    • Information technology
  • The structural complexity of the global supply chain
    • Options
    • Global production
  • The global network
    • Global management
    • Organisational solutions
    • Global products
    • Global sourcing

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