National Creditor Services

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The National Creditor Services department is the market leader in personal insolvency. We act for a significant number of blue-chip organisations in relation to all aspects of personal insolvency, having clear depth within the traditional banking field coupled with the more recent emergence of the debt purchase market.

We can offer clients exceptional experience ranging from the most straightforward Bankruptcy to cases that merit a more detailed forensic approach to asset realisation, perhaps within international jurisdictions. We can also provide innovative solutions to clients using Bankruptcy as a volume debt recovery strategy by tailoring our systems to enable them to identify recovery opportunities and using our dominant position within the personal insolvency market to create momentum.

Our case management teams can provide a genuinely specialist approach, emphasising the speed and size of dividends. This is clearly the most significant aspect of any recovery procedure and one that our clients trust.

This speedy information provision is important to clients who need to update their internal accounts as soon as possible.

We are at the forefront of a constantly changing recovery field, and with the reassurance of an established reputation coupled with a leading-edge technical approach, our clients are in safe hands.

How can we help you?

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