Are you tech strong?

Home Entrepreneurial Businesses Are you tech strong?
By Knowledge Hub

Whether it’s business innovation, employee engagement, or everyday productivity, technology promises to do it all. But amidst the limitless possibilities, leaders can find themselves uncertain about the benefits of certain technologies, how to focus their investments, and how to get their people on board with change.

That’s why we’ve published ‘Are You Tech Strong?’ to illuminate which countries and sectors are accelerating ahead of others in tech and provide advice for leaders who face transformation barriers.

The report presents the findings of a global survey that collected responses from more than 600 leaders from China, France, Germany, India, the UK, and the US. Leaders were asked, among other things, about the investments they were making, the benefits they expected, and what typically slows implementation and investment.

Illustrated with insight by our experts, the report reveals which countries are most familiar with the technologies and those most eager to invest and implement them. It also uncovers which countries are falling behind while offering practical advice to the C-suite determined to get more out of technology in the workplace.

Comparing countries, sectors and organisation sizes, the survey revealed:

  • Leaders in China are the most familiar with the five technologies, followed (in order) by Germany, India, the US, France and the UK.
  • Artificial Intelligence is the technology most people feel familiar with.
  • China and India are the most likely to have implemented at least one of the technologies, and France and the UK are the least likely.
  • ERP is the most implemented technology
  • Tech adoption lags in the public sector – 50% of respondents working in the public sector said ‘nothing is happening’ with the five technologies.
  • More than half of respondents already spend over 25% of their IT budgets on combining the five technologies.
  • Respondents in India have the most excellent appetite for increasing their budgets for the five technologies, while France and the UK spend the least of their IT budgets on them.
  • The five technologies were expected to deliver the top three benefits: cost savings, business model transformation, and quality improvements.
  • The top three barriers to increasing technological investment are necessary investment resources, talent and skills, and market maturity.

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